, Auto-Opstroom.com: ElectraWall can make electricity day or night

ElectraWall can make electricity day or night

ElectraWall is a new technology with the ability to collect and store energy from various outdoor locations. Completely self-contained, ElectraWall has built in battery storage and capacitance capabilities which prevent "brown out" -a partial loss of electrical current over long distances. It can be easily installed, and is more effective in energy production than current energy systems.

ElectraWall is the perfect solution to the energy collection and storage issues the world currently faces. It uses heat and light from the sun to generate electricity efficiently. The versatile design allows this product to be applied to a wide variety of surfaces. It is designed to clip on top of highway jersey/barrier walls, light poles, parking garages, and much more. ElectraWall can make electricity day or night, rain or shine. It is also made with many recycled materials.

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