, Auto-Opstroom.com: AlertMe's Smart Plug Monitors Energy Use, Cuts Off Electricity Remotely

AlertMe's Smart Plug Monitors Energy Use, Cuts Off Electricity Remotely

UK-based company AlertMe is prepping for the release of the first product in its new Energy line called the "Smart Plug."
Basically, you just plug in the Smart Plug into any outlet you want to monitor. The AlertMe Hub from the brand's Security package is paired with the Smart Plug to serve as a wireless broadband and GPRS connection. This means you can view that outlet's usage statistics on a web site both on the computer and your handsets. What's more, you can remotely cut the power off of that particular outlet by accessing the web interface. In fact, you can even program the system to do that on a particular time of the day if you want.

The Smart Plug itself will be available this November for around $50 per, but it won't work without the AlertMe Security package (containing the Hub needed) that sells for $300 so the whole system's quite pricey for now.
Next year though, AlertMe is going to offer a Smart Plug package that comes with the Hub and a few accessories which I expect would be cheaper than buying the Security package. AlertMe claims that by using the Smart Plug, you can save as much as 20 percent of your power consumption which SmartPlanet notes is a "bold claim." We'll find out in due time whether that's true or not; for now, what we know is that AlertMe is also coming up with an electricity meter and a heater.
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